This is an open experiment. Simply a putting in words of what is/was already in the air. DECLARATION OF CULTURAL REVOLUTIONARIES Cultural revolutionaries of Western thinking… _regard themselves as equal to all life forms _know that life is too complex to understand it intellectually _value interdependence, since they know that nothing is separate _build and support local, self-governed economies _value and safe-guard diversity of all kind _love and support children unconditionally _know about ecological principles and integrate them into their lifes _see music and dance as an integral part of their expression and communication _live on an animate earth and regard it as sacred _know how to grow their own food _know how to listen _appreciate their sensory awareness _celebrate life _cooperate _make the shift from thinking ‚either, or‘ to thinking ‚as well, as‘ _share their knowledge _understand and integrate process as a way of being _are not identified with their...